The Lazy Wizard A young wizard named Lazor had a reputation for being incredibly lazy. One day, his teacher asked him to perform a spell to summon a storm. Lazor…
The Cat and the Doorbell A man adopted a very clever cat who loved to play pranks. One day, the man ordered pizza and heard the doorbell ring. When he…
The Chicken’s Therapy Session A chicken walked into a therapist’s office, sat down, and sighed deeply. “What seems to be the problem?” asked the therapist. The chicken leaned forward. “Everyone…
The Chef's Secret Ingredient A famous chef was invited to a cooking show to demonstrate his signature dish. As he prepared the meal, the audience was mesmerized by his precision…
The Turtle Marathon A group of turtles decided to have a marathon. Of course, being turtles, they knew it would take months to finish. One particularly slow turtle, Timmy, started…
The Alien’s Shopping Spree An alien landed on Earth and decided to explore a shopping mall. Fascinated by all the products, it wandered into a clothing store and pointed to…
The Lost Tourist A tourist got lost in the Amazon rainforest and stumbled upon a group of friendly monkeys. After a few hours, he realized they were actually helping him…
The Robot’s Therapy Session A robot went to see a therapist. “Doctor,” the robot began, “I feel so... unmotivated. Like my circuits just don’t spark joy anymore.” The therapist nodded.…
The Dog’s Job Interview A dog walked into a corporate office, wearing a tie and carrying a briefcase. The hiring manager, stunned but curious, asked, “What are you doing here?”…
The Time Traveler’s Meeting A scientist built a time machine and decided to host a meeting with some of history’s greatest minds. After gathering Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Cleopatra,…